Tuesday, 26 January 2016

First miniatures

Here are the first few miniatures. My daughter has the start box for "Age of Sigmar", and this is one of big guys for Khorne, and is the first one she painted:

This was at a Games Workshop, with help from the guys there (otherwise I would have made her start on a small one!). Games Workshop merchandise is pretty expensive, but you do get a good service in the shops for free, so the cost of the goods has to cover that. I do not begrudge the prices so much once I realised that.

I helped her putting them together at first, but she sees to be doing a good job on her own. The painting is all her own work apart from that first one. This is a carnosaurus, and he did have a couple of gaps, which I had to fill in, as you can see on the second image. I am not sure if this was how it was put together or an issue in the model, but it should look fine once painted (and with a rider added).

Here is one of the stormcast army after primer:

I did look at alternatives to Citadel primer. You can get black spray paint for a couple of quid, but it tends to be gloss and may not stick to plastic too well. Car primer paint is supposed to be good, but that is around £6; it did not seem too much more to get the proper stuff for about £10.

This is a seraphon footsoldier (not sure of the technical name), part-painted.

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