Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Building a battlefield

Starting to get a proper battlefield built here are a couple of images. The first is a simple hill. It is built from foamboard insulation, 5 cm thick. It is not nice stuff to work with; use in a well-ventilated area away from children. The rocks are bits of expanded polystyrene glues on. The slope and rocks are covered in plaster, the whole thing painted with primer paint.

The rocks wre painted with dilute black poster paint, which runs into the cracks to highlight the shadows. The rest was painted with green poster paint. I then spread sawdust, dyed with the same poster paint, over the top, glued with PVA.

The feature on the left is removable, and is the muck sponges mentioned in an earlier post.

This second board was made pretty much the same way, but with some bridge supports added (more foamboard with the sides covered in plaster). The stairs are just formed into the plaster, and the road is just black paint. The empty circle front right is where a scenery feature can be places.

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